How Did You Find This Money?
We audit different government agencies on a regular basis for unclaimed funds due to citizens like yourself. We specialize in difficult to find claims. The government is currently holding onto over14 Billion dollars hidden in various departments, agencies and bureaus, and other types of transactions. If the funds aren’t claimed within a specified period of time, which varies greatly from Department to Department, the government keeps your money.
That’s why we strongly suggest getting a claim started and recovering these funds quickly.
How Did You Find Me?
Our researchers spend a great deal of time and effort using their skills to locate our clients, primarily by doing internet
searches. Where Are The Funds Being Held? Please call us and one of our representatives would be more than happy to explain the nature of your claim. Once you have signed our contingency fee agreement, we’ll be happy to disclose where the funds have been located!
Can’t I Find the Money on my Own?
The government agencies we audit don’t typically post these unclaimed funds accounts online. You are welcome to search unclaimed funds websites, and you can likely find money owed to you or someone you know. Although these websites are great tools, you won’t find the claim you were contacted about there. Not all claims are easy to find, there are countless piles of government records that our researchers have to sort through to identify people who may be owed money and a considerable amount of time and resources have been spent gathering the details of your claim.
Why Should I Use Your Organization?
The agencies holding the funds have several specific requirements that must be followed for proving your entitlement to the claim and submitting your request. These agencies can sometimes prove to be difficult to work with in their response times and paying your money. After all, they stand to keep the money if you do not follow their rules and meet their deadlines. Scout organization has the training and experience necessary to navigate the maze of government agencies holding the funds and knows exactly what needs to be done to claim your funds.
How do I know this is real and not a scam
Let’s layout the worst case scenario. Let’s say we get your paperwork and we submit it to our Attorneys and find out that the government doesn’t owe you money or that it’s already permanently defaulted to them — which would be a horrible outcome for everyone EXCEPT the government. In that case, because we didn’t collect anything for you, it wouldn’t cost you anything. We would bare 100% of the cost of doing all the research and legwork.There’s never any upfront cost to our clients.
Or let’s go to the other extreme. Let’s say we find the money and it’s still there waiting to be claimed. Our Attorneys file the claim and manage the entire process. We manage the ongoing
governmental audits, fees, filing claims, legal opinion letters, we do all the legwork and more. You get to live your life and focus on other things, we call you up and say we are sending you a large check. In either case… you win.
More Questions?
Just give us a call! We’re here to serve you. Call (302) 330-2014 today.